Founded 1978
Our aim is to promote and protect the future health and welfare our breeds.
Here you will find information about the Petit and Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen, the history of both breeds, their health, our UK club and activities.
You can download a Membership Application Form or contact our Membership Secretary, Fiona Morrise-mail;
If you have a question about the breed or the club, you can contact the Club Secretary, Dianne Reid on Telephone 07801 950895 orEmail Alternatively, click on the link below for a full list of committee members and their responsiblities within the club
Some useful forms and information for visitors to the BGV Club Discover Dogs stand at Crufts 2025
Would you like to support the BGV Club by becoming a member?
Would you be interested in owning a BGV? Click on the links below for Breeders Directory members.
Have you ever thought about adopting a BGV which needs rehomed? Contact the BGV Club Welfare and Rescue Coordinator Fiona or 07795 068860You can also complete and submit the rehoming application in the link.
NOTICE OF AGM Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Basset Griffon Vendéen Club. To be held at Yelvertoft Village Hall, Stanford Rd, Yelvertoft, Northampton NN6 6LJ *** 10am, Sunday 4th May 2025 *** Refreshments will be available. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND COMMITTEE Chairman: Mr M MacLaren is retiring under Rule 4(ii) and offers himself for re-election. He needs neither proposing nor seconding. Committee: Committee members retiring under Rule 4(i) and offering themselves for re-election are Ms Claire Cooper, Ms Sally Cowley, Ms Karen Powney. They need neither proposing nor seconding. There is one additional vacancy. Nominations: Nominations for Chairman and Committee should be proposed, seconded and signed by fully paid up members of the Club, all of three years standing (Rule 5(i)). Each nomination should include the nominee’s written consent and signature, together with a brief resumé of relevant experience. These must be received by the Secretary by post (NOT e-mailed) by 22nd March 2025. If there are more nominations than vacancies, an electronic ballot of members (postal if no email) will be held and the results declared at the Annual General Meeting. AGENDA ITEMS Items for the agenda should be proposed and seconded and must be submitted by post reaching the Secretary by 29th March 2025 at the latest. The Agenda will be available from the Secretary, upon request from 20th April 2025. For further information, proposals and nominations please contact BGV Club Secretary Dianne Reid- or 01235 831217 Mrs Dianne Reid, Honeybottom Kennels, Orchard Cottage, STEVENTON, Oxon, OX13 6AP IMPORTANT REMINDER: IF 2025 SUBSCRIPTIONS WERE NOT PAID BY 31 JANUARY THERE WILL BE NO ENTITLEMENT TO VOTE