Founded 1978
Our aim is to promote and protect the future health and welfare our breeds.
Here you will find information about the Petit and Grand Basset Griffon Vendéen, the history of both breeds, their health, our UK club and activities.
You can download a Membership Application Form or contact our Membership Secretary, Fiona Morrise-mail;
If you have a question about the breed or the club, you can contact the Club Secretary, Dianne Reid on Telephone 07801 950895 orEmail Alternatively, click on the link below for a full list of committee members and their responsiblities within the club
IMPORTANT INFORMATION THE BGV CLUB HAVE A NEW MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Membership Secretary: Mrs Fiona Morris, Hermitage, Mount Pleasant, DUNS, Berwickshire, TD11 3HU Tel: 07971 406817 Email: Membership Renewals As the renewal period is now upon us, this is a gentle reminder that annual subscriptions are due by 31st January 2025. Renewing by this date ensures you retain your voting rights, as we want to ensure your voice is heard! For members submitting renewal fees by post, please forward all cheques to Fiona at the address listed above. For those renewing via online banking, the Club’s details are as follows: Account Name: Basset Griffon Vendéen ClubSort Code: 40-39-07Account Number: 11573128Bank: HSBC Please quote reference: “your name + MEMBERSHIP” e.g. J Smith MEMBERSHIP For ease of annual renewal, please consider setting up a Standing Order..