Founded 1978
Before you make that final decision to have a BGV as a family member, you need to gather as much information as possible about the breed. YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT WEBSITE! The Officers and Committee of the BGV Club, its members, dedicated breeders and owners are here to help you.Some prospective owners have never actually seen a BGV but are attracted having only glimpsed them on television. It is so important that you see the breed, talk to owners and spend some time getting to know all about BGVs. Importantly breeders will guide you in your decision on whether this is the breed for you and, if so, whether a Petit or a Grand is more suitable for your lifestyle. Both PBGVs and GBGVs are a numerically small breed therefore relatively few litters are born each year. You may need to wait a while to get a puppy from a reliable breeder. It is normal for breeders to invite prospective owners to visit several times to see the mother, puppies and sire if he lives with them. This gives you time to be sure a BGV is for you and to reflect on the demands of having a puppy in the house. Expect reliable breeders to ask you searching questions, to be satisfied that a prospective owner is well-matched for one of their puppies into whose hands a little life is being entrusted. Where can I see BGVs? The Diary page on this website gives you details of forthcoming club events where you can see the breed, meet owners and talk to them. As well as club organised events or shows, you may be able to see BGVs at a local show (companion, limited or open), though you will see more at a larger championship show. Most of these are advertised on and or in the weekly dog press. Visiting shows gives you a good opportunity to get a feel for the breed and speak to breeders and owners. Would you be interested in rehoming a BGV? Visit our Welfare and Rescue page for more information.
Breeders Directory
Puppy Register
GBGV Litter We don't currently have any members advertising litters at present. Please feel free to contact breeders on the Breeders Directory
PBGV Litter Hightimbers Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Puppies born 23.2.2025Callydena Guiness xHightimbers Sugar Maple Maggie SpencerTel; 01686 623924Mob; 07800 705085Email;
BREEDERS DIRECTORY Members of the BGV Club Breeders Directory are required to comply with the Kennel Club and BGV Club Code of Ethics. This includes the commitment to breed only to improve the quality of the BGV, selecting a stud dog/bitch to be mated based on researched compatibility of pedigrees, conformation and temperament and being aware of health conditions in the breed and BGV Club research work to overcome these. This includes taking into account DNA test results in the case of PBGVs. If you would like to be included on the BGV Club Breeders Directory please complete the form and return it to the club Secretary Dianne Reid.